Un modelo holístico de competencia docente para el mundo digital

  1. Francesc Esteve 1
  2. Linda Castañeda 2
  3. Jordi Adell 1
  1. 1 Universitat Jaume I

    Universitat Jaume I

    Castelló de la Plana, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02ws1xc11

  2. 2 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03p3aeb86

RIFOP : Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales

ISSN: 0213-8646 2530-3791

Année de publication: 2018

Volumen: 32

Número: 91

Pages: 105-116

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: RIFOP : Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales


This paper presents a model of teaching competence for the digital world. In this model, which is focused on basic education, teachers are presented as generators of digital pedagogical practices and contents, augmented reflective practitioners, experts in enriched learning environments, and sensitive to the use of ICT based on a social commitment to expand their relationship with the environment of students. In short, this model surpasses the definition of digital teacher competence that does not respond to the model of an integral teacher, nor to a situated and holistic concept of competence, but to an instrumental vision of technologies.

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