Uso de la Escala de Lesiones Abreviada (AIS), en sus versiones AIS 98 y AIS 05 (actualización 08), en la evaluación de la efectividad y eficiencia del tratamiento hospitalario de los pacientes traumáticos

  1. Abajas Bustillo, Rebeca
Supervised by:
  1. César Leal Costa Director
  2. María Jesús Durá Ros Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 10 February 2016

  1. Paloma Salvadores Fuentes Chair
  2. María del Carmen Ortego Maté Secretary
  3. Iveth Yamaguchi Whitaker Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 405042 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


INTRODUCTION: The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) is an anatomically based injury severity scoring system. The most recent revisions are AIS 98 and AIS 2005(08) OBJECTIVES: To identify whether differences exist in injury severity codes assigned using AIS 98 and AIS 2005(08); to analyse the relationship between severity, and mortality, health-care cost and hospital stay indicators; to compare injury severity by manual coding versus automated coding. METHODS: A cross-sectional retrospective observational study. RESULTS: AIS, MAIS, ISS and NISS injury severity values were lower using AIS 2005(08). Mortality, health-care cost and length of hospital stay increased exponentially with severity. Concordance in ISS values when manually coded versus automated coding was appropriate to differentiate seriously injured patients (ISS>15). CONCLUSIONS: The definition of seriously injured patient (ISS>15) should be reconsidered. The injury severity measure that best relates to health indicators is NISS. Automated conversion is recommended just when manual coding is not available.