New scalable cache coherence protocols for on-chip multiprocessors= Nuevos protocolos de coherencia escalables para multiprocesadores en chip

  1. Gregorio Menezo, Lucía
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Valentín Puente Varona Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. José Ángel Gregorio Monasterio Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 28 von Mai von 2014

  1. Toni Juan Hormigo Präsident/in
  2. Rafael Menéndez de Llano Rozas Sekretär/in
  3. Manuel Eugenio Acacio Sánchez Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 363517 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


This thesis includes an analysis of the problems associated with cache coherence in the field of chip multiprocessors (CMPs) and it introduces two new hardware-based coherence protocol proposals. Both proposals are focused on mitigating the associated cost brought by the necessity of having to use complex memory hierarchies inside the chip in order to face the memory bandwidth limitation (bandwidth-wall). On the one hand, considering as a target multicore systems with tens of processors within the chip, LOCKE is proposed. This proposal uses a broadcast-based approach, which focuses on improving the reactiveness of the on-chip memory hierarchy. On the other hand, for future large-scale CMPs which will include hundreds or thousands of processors, MOSAIC is proposed. This is a scalable hybrid coherence protocol (broadcast- and directory-based) that significantly reduces the maintenance costs of hardware coherence.