Evolution and recent developments of Spanish wine sector, 1950-2008

  1. Martínez-Carrión, José Miguel
  2. Medina-Albaladejo, Francisco José
Working Papers (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Unitat d'Història Econòmica)

Año de publicación: 2010

Número: 7

Tipo: Documento de Trabajo


Since the 1980s the traditional European winegrowing regions have been carrying out deep changes in response to the onslaught of winegrowers in the New World. In recent years Spanish regions have been foremost in Europe in terms of change in areas turned over to wine production and distribution. This study analyses the main sequences of changes the Spanish wine industry has undergone: the evolution of consumption through the changes in consumer drinking habits; the leading role of exports in international markets; the spread of different types of marketing and business organization; the distribution in large and small sellers, and the main factors that have been involved in the chain of production and in the modernization of the wineries.

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