Utrecht University-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (4)


  1. Shakespeare Eurostar: Calais, the Continent, and the Operatic Fortunes of Ambroise Thomas1

    This England, That Shakespeare: New Angles on Englishness and the Bard (Taylor and Francis), pp. 147-164


  1. Shakespeare eurostar: Calais, the continent, and the operatic fortunes of Ambroise Thomas

    This England, that Shakespeare: New Angles on Englishness and the Bard (Ashgate Publishing Ltd), pp. 147-164


  1. Shakespeare eurostar: Calais, the continent, and the operatic fortunes of ambroise thomas

    This England, That Shakespeare: New Angles on Englishness and the Bard (Ashgate Publishing Ltd), pp. 147-164


  1. European Shakespeare on either side of the channel

    Shakespeare, Vol. 3, Núm. 1, pp. 102-107