Maria Del Carmen
Legaz Garcia
Asociado a Tiempo Parcial
Martinez Costa
Investigador "Ramon y Cajal"
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Catalina Martinez Costa (7)
Tecnologías para el modelado, procesamiento y gestión de conocimiento
XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA 2018): avances en Inteligencia Artificial. 23-26 de octubre de 2018 Granada, España
A semantic web based framework for the interoperability and exploitation of clinical models and EHR data
Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 105, pp. 175-189
Ontology patterns-based transformation of clinical information
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Ontology-based infrastructure for a meaningful EHR representation and use
2014 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2014
Isosemantic rendering of clinical information using formal ontologies and RDF
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Exploitation of ontologies for the management of clinical archetypes in ArchMS
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Recommendation of standardized health learning contents using archetypes and semantic web technologies
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics