
Name Publications
Fouz Gonzalez, Jonas 6
Valenzuela Manzanares, Javier 3
San Segundo, Eugenia 2
Lopez Maestre, Maria Dolores 1
Gutiérrez Díez, Francisco 1
Cutillas Espinosa, Juan Antonio 1
Hernandez Campoy, Juan Manuel 1
Schwab, Sandra 1
Mompeán Guillamon, Pilar 1
Marin Perez, Maria Jose 1
Dellwo, Volker 1
He, Lei 1
Fregier, Amandine Odette Paule 1
Hernández González, Alba 1

Collaboration Research Centres

Name Type Country Publications
Universidad Católica San Antonio University Spain 3
University of York University United Kingdom 2
University of Greifswald University Germany 1
University of Zurich University Switzerland 1