Departamento: Philosophy

Centro académico: Faculty of Philosophy

Area: Philosophy

Research group: Philosophy and Contemporary World


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with the thesis El enfermo terminal como clase interactiva enfermos incurables en España (1850-1955) 2012. Supervised by Dr. Javier Moscoso Sarabia.

I obtained my degrees in Philosophy (2006) and Library Science (2006) from the University of Murcia and my PhD in Philosophy (2012) from the Autonomous University of Madrid, within the “Science and Culture” doctoral programme, directed by Dr. Javier Ordóñez. My thesis, entitled “Los enfermos terminales como clase interactiva: Enfermedad incurable en España (1850-1955)” was developed at the Instituto de Filosofía del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, under the supervision of Dr. D. Javier Moscoso. In 2013 I was awarded a Marie Curie Intra-European Research Fellowship. I worked for two years at the Centre for the History of Emotions at Queen Mary University of London, one of the leading international centres for interdisciplinary work on the history of emotions. In 2015 I received a Leonardo grant from the BBVA Foundation with a project entitled ‘El material del que están hechos los sueños. A proposal for the material history of emotions”. In 2020 I was hired by the University of Murcia as a postdoctoral researcher within the “Programa de Renovación Generacional para el Fomento de la Investigación”, with a project entitled “La naturaleza como horizonte ético. Modernity, ecological crisis and the experience of order. With this project I completed a transition from my previous work on the relationships between emotions, experience and “space”, to focus on the related topic of how our contact and immersion in nature is supposed to influence – and, according to some researchers, benefit – our sense of well-being. In 2022 I founded ehCOLAB, a joint initiative of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Murcia, with the aim of bringing together academics, artists and scientists from different disciplines around issues related to the environmental humanities. I am the author of more than 20 academic publications indexed in the main databases (Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, SPI, etc.) and I have participated in several national and international academic conferences and meetings. My first book, entitled Componer un mundo en común. ¿Por qué necesitamos un mundo en común? was published by Lengua de Trapo / Círculo de Bellas Artes in 2023.