Benito Lopez
Catedraticos de Universidad
Departamento: Financial Economics and Accounting
Centro académico: Faculty of Economics and Business
Area: Financial Economics and Accounting
Research group: Financial Economics and Accounting
Personal web:
Doctor by the Universidad de Murcia with the thesis La contabilidad pública en España. Especial referencia al subsector administración general del Estado 1994. Supervised by Dr. Pedro Luengo Mulet.
I am a doctor of Economics and Business administration (Distinction) from the University of Murcia, and I am currently a professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University of Murcia. I have published several books and book chapters, both individually and collaboratively, and more than 120 articles in professional journals. In addition, I have organized and participated in numerous national and international congresses and scientific meetings. I have been the principal investigator of competitive projects. I have carried out numerous contracts with companies and public institutions. I am on the editorial board of national and international journals. I have been Director of the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting and Academic Director of the Faculty of Tourism at the University of Murcia. I direct the Master in Risk Management in Organizations at the University of Murcia. I am a reviewer for the Andalusian Agency for Quality Assessment and University Accreditation, the National Agency for Evaluation and Foresight (ANEP) (now ANECA), the Israel Science Foundation, the Croatian Science Foundation (Croatia), the National Science Centre (Poland), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (Switzerland), the Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR) (Italy) and the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Association. I have peer-reviewed articles in more than 100 national and international journals, most of which are indexed in the Journal Citation Report (JCR). My main research areas are public accounting, transparency in public institutions, corruption studies, efficiency in public service delivery, implementation of sustainable development goals, business valuation and analysis of financial information of companies and public administrations. I am the coordinator of the Knowledge Transfer Group "Accounting and Auditing of the Public Sector" at the University of Murcia (