Santonja Medina
Catedraticos de Universidad Vinculados H.V.Arrixaca
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Fernando Santonja Medina (6)
Classification system of the sagittal integral morphotype in children from the isquios programme (Spain)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 17, Núm. 7
Sagittal spinal morphotype assessment in 8 to 15 years old Inline Hockey players
PeerJ, Vol. 2020, Núm. 1
Sagittal standing spinal alignment and back pain in 8 to 12-year-old children from the Region of Murcia, Spain: The ISQUIOS Program
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Vol. 33, Núm. 6, pp. 1003-1014
Sitting posture, sagittal spinal curvatures and back pain in 8 to 12-year-old children from the region of murcia (Spain): ISQUIOS programme
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 17, Núm. 7
Back pain and knowledge of back care related to physical activity in 12 to 17 year old adolescents from the region of Murcia (Spain): ISQUIOS programme
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 19
Programa educativo ISQUIOS: X Aniversario
Programa Educativo ISQUIOS: investigación y aplicaciones prácticas en el contexto escolar (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 35-51