Publications (178) Antonio Piñero Madrona publications


  1. Consensus of the Spanish Society of Breast Senology and Pathology (SESPM) on Selective Biopsy of the Sentinel Node (BSGC) and axylar management in breast cancer (2022)

    Revista de Senologia y Patologia Mamaria, Vol. 35, Núm. 4, pp. 243-259

  2. Cáncer de mama: diagnóstico, manejo y tratamiento

    Obstetricia y ginecología (Elsevier), pp. 468-474

  3. Terapia molecular dirigida. Inmunoterapia

    Cirugía AEC: Manual de la Asociación Española de Cirujanos (Editorial Médica Panamericana), pp. 203-210

  4. The value of sentinel lymph-node biopsy after neoadjuvant therapy: an overview

    Clinical and Translational Oncology, Vol. 24, Núm. 9, pp. 1744-1754

  5. iFC and management margins in invasive breast cancer conserving surgery: An adjunct more than an alternative?

    Surgical Oncology