Researcher : Luis Alberto Bravo Gonzalez
33 funding - 405,064€
Utilización de Microimplantes Como Anclaje Esquelético en Ortodoncia
euro 34,800.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of New Bone Formation Using 4 Bone With Melatonin Vs 4 Bone Without Melatonin In Post Estraction Sockets Compared With Calvo Guirado Biomaterial With And Without Meratonin. Experimental Study In Dogs.
euro 25,520.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of New Bone Formation Using 4 Bone Biomaterial With And Without Melatonin Compared With Calvo Guirado Biomaterial In Gaps Created In C1 Vs Seven Implants. Experimental Study In Dogs
euro 25,520.00
Informe Tecnico sobre Una Encuesta de Salud Buco-Dental
euro 5,800.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of Peri-Implant Bone Reactions To Immedate Implants Places And Different Levels In Relation To Crestal Bone With Melatonin And Vitamin D Vs Control C1 Implants: a Pilot Study In Dogs
euro 25,520.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of Crestal Bone Formation Under Umbrella Candel Abutment In C1 And Seven Crestally Exposed Implants In Healed Bone. Experimental Study In Dogs
euro 25,520.00
Informe Técnico sobre Una Encuesta de Salud Buco-Dental
euro 5,334.00
Reverse Torque Control For Evaluation of Implant Stability Alter Different Implant Surface Treatments. Experimental Study In New Zeland Rabbits
euro 18,091.53
Curso Modular de Ortodoncia
euro 50,000.00
Soft Tissue Attachment On Different Implant Collar Designs According To The Implant Position In Relation Tu The Bone Level-Results O Fan Animal Study
euro 6,900.00
Histomorphometric And Histologic Evaluation of Crestal Bone Resorption Levels In Three Different Depth of Placement Od Switching Platform Implants. Experimental Study In Dogs
euro 15,900.00
Estudio Histomorfométrico, Radiológico y Mecánico de la Integración de Implantes de Zirconio Modificados por Láser de Femtosegundo y Titanio con Carga Inmediata Vs No Carga Inmediata. Estudio Experimental en Perros Fox Hound
euro 14,160.00
Respuesta Estructural de Los Tejidos Blandos y Óseo Periimplantarios a Implantes Dentales Tsa Avanblast y Tsa Avanblast Advance Sometidos a Carga con Protesis Cementada
euro 14,000.00
Dermatología, Estomatología, Radiología y Medicina Física
euro 5,900.00
Brackets Autolingables en Ortodoncia
euro 5,400.00