Consecuencias de la ejecución hipotecaria de finca urbana arrendada en el contrato de arrendamiento
ISSN: 2341-2216
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Pages: 159-193
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Derecho Civil
When there is a foreclosure of a home or premises that is rented, a conflict arises between the protection of the mortgagee that demands legal certainty and the social need to protect tenants, especially when we are dealing with an asset as fundamental as the main residence. In recent years, the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court has established more clearly the criteria with which the provisions of the law must be interpreted both with respect to housing leases and with respect to those for different uses, attempting to unify the different positions of the courts. It is therefore appropriate to review this doctrine with respect to both types of leases. However, the regulation of housing rentals continues to evolve, as demonstrated by the fact that after the reforms of 2013 and 2019, it was modified again in 2023, which forces us to consider, on the one hand, whether the position of the Supreme Court serves to answer the question of whether or not housing rentals should be maintained with respect to all existing reforms and, on the other hand, to what extent this problem may have been affected by the new reform introduced by Law 12/2023 , especially when tenants are vulnerable.
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