Alumnado y fotovoztransformación de los patios escolares de Educación Primaria en espacios inclusivos
- Pilar Arnaiz-Sánchez 1
- María Alonso-Alcolea 1
- Salvador Alcaraz 1
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 0210-2773
Year of publication: 2024
Issue Title: Nuevas perspectivas sobre validación de instrumentos y escalas en educación
Volume: 53
Issue: 3
Pages: 295-304
Type: Article
More publications in: Aula abierta
The transformation of school playgrounds, with the purpose of all students taking part in equal conditions, is a main aspect in the development of inclusive education. This paper analyses the perception that primary students have of the activities and behaviour that benefit or limit their participation in games during recess. In this way, the playground can be transformed to become an inclusive environment. For that, qualitative research, which was descriptive and non-experimental, was made in a public elementary school. The participants were 100 students from 3rd and 4th grade of primary school. The technique called photovoice was used in order to collect the perception of the participants. The analysis of the information was settled on the analysis of qualitative content with inductive cha-racter. The results of this research reveal a grater preference for those activities related to mobility and sport. However, acts of exclusion can be observed when doing these activities or games. The participants positively values the attitude of environmental responsibility and cooperation during games carried out in the playground. Conclusions show that the perception of students provides a profound comprehension in relation to changes needed in the playground in order to make a more inclusive and welcoming place.
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