Nuevas aproximaciones en el control de problemas de fertilidad de origen infeccioso en ganado bovino de régimen extensivo

Dirigida por:
  1. Teresa García Seco Director/a
  2. Marta Pérez Sancho Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 06 de septiembre de 2023

  1. Ana Isabel Vela Alonso Presidente/a
  2. Nerea García Benzaquén Secretario/a
  3. Jesús Salinas Lorente Vocal
  4. Lucia Calleros Basilio Vocal
  5. Olga García Álvarez Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


In Spain, extensive cattle farming is a sector characterized by its priority orientation towards beef production and whose main objective from a productive point of view is to maximize the number of calves per cow and year. Extensive production systems may be able to use the natural resources of the environment, contributing to the maintenance of resilient ecosystems if they are properly managed. In 2020, Spain generated the 24 % of beef within the European Union (EU), being the third main beef producing country. However, the average annual fertility rates of this sector in Spain are lower compared to the rest of the EU (69% vs. 80%, respectively, in 2020), which has a negative impact on farm efficiency. Infectious infertility is particularly relevant in extensive cattle, where the bulls play an important role since a single male (or a very small group) can be used to breed several females...