Análisis criminológico de los factores de riesgo asociados al comportamiento antisocial en adolescentes

  1. Balibrea Soria, María
Supervised by:
  1. Ginesa Torrente Hernández Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 20 September 2024

  1. Juan Enrique Soto Castro Chair
  2. Fina Antón Hurtado Secretary
  3. F. Ramón Villaplana Jiménez Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse whether the risk factors associated with the development of delinquency, common to the different Developmental and Life-Course Criminological Theories, influence the antisocial behaviour of adolescents and whether this influence varies according to age. A self-report questionnaire was applied to a sample of 483 students from Secondary Schools, voluntarily, anonymously and with the signed informed consent of the parents or legal guardians of the minors. The questionnaire consisted of measuring instruments that assessed the educational styles and attachment of the parents, commitment to school, attachment to the peer group, whether the peer group presents antisocial behaviour, low self-control, impulsivity, empathy and antisocial behaviour. The sample was divided into three age groups, early adolescence, middle adolescence and late adolescence, carrying out a descriptive analysis of the different variables studied for each age group, a mean comparison analysis, a post hoc comparison of means two by two between the age groups, a correlation analysis of all the variables studied according to the age groups and hierarchical regression analysis, producing a model for each age group and manifestation of antisocial behaviour. It was found that erratic educational styles, being part of a peer group with antisocial behaviour and the personality variables of low self-control and impulsivity were associated with increased antisocial behaviour in adolescents. Communicative educational style, attachment to parents, commitment to school (early and middle adolescence) and empathy (early adolescence) were negatively associated with antisocial behaviour and positively associated with the rest of the protective factors