La utilización del huerto ecodidáctico en la educación primarianecesidades formativas, análisis de propuestas y diseño, aplicación y evaluación de un programa formativo para futuros docentes

  1. Orenes Cárceles, José
Supervised by:
  1. Gabriel Enrique Ayuso Fernández Director
  2. José María Egea Fernández Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 17 July 2024

  1. Marcia Eugenio Chair
  2. Luis María Hernández Abenza Secretary
  3. José Cantó Doménech Committee member

Type: Thesis


The use of school gardens by science teachers continues to increase in our context as it is an educational resource with great potential, which allows students to put school knowledge into practice, favors the development of research processes, contributes to the improvement of relationships between participants and is suitable for the development of all the contents of the Primary Education curriculum, especially those in the area of Natural Sciences. interdisciplinary work and Education in Values. In our research, we analysed the demand for training in this resource from practising teachers and students of the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education through initial and final questionnaires with closed Likert questions. Subsequently, after two theoretical-practical training interventions in a real context, a vegetable garden on a plot of the campus of the University of Murcia, and from the approach of teaching-learning activities of inquiry for the area of Natural Sciences, we also analyzed the proposals carried out by future teachers in Primary classrooms (using three criteria: the structure and content of the teaching-learning activities designed, the curricular contents worked on and their competence richness). Likewise, we have compared the responses of university students to the initial and final questionnaires and we have analysed their training demands after the interventions carried out (with a descriptive statistical analysis and significance test). As conclusions, they highlight a high motivation of future teachers in their participation and that it is necessary to train based on real contexts with important practical work in the garden where university students can carry out all the steps in the design, management, maintenance and didactic use of a school garden. Regarding the design of activities proposed by future teachers, the importance of using methodologies that work on basic scientific processes is observed, for which specific university training is required.