Efectos de la hibridación del Modelo de Responsabilidad Personal y Social y el Modelo de Educación Deportiva sobre la responsabilidad personal y social, las necesidades psicológicas básicas, la motivación y los niveles de actividad y condición física

  1. Quiñonero, Antonio Luis
Supervised by:
  1. Bernardino Javier Sánchez Alcaraz Martínez Director
  2. Alberto Gómez Mármol Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2024

  1. Ernesto de la Cruz Sánchez Chair
  2. Salvador Baena Morales Secretary
  3. Ana Ponce de León Elizondo Committee member

Type: Thesis


At present, a series of shortcomings can be observed in the school-age population which are reflected in the most recent publications in the scientific field of education. Among these deficiencies, the loss of values in the youth population stands out. This situation highlights the need for direct action from the educational sphere to favour the development of civic spirit as described in current educational legislation. In turn, difficulties are observed in the process of satisfying the basic psychological needs of young people, which directly affects their motivation towards education, in general, and Physical Education, in particular. This has a direct impact on the levels of physical activity and physical condition, which warns of the proliferation of problems related to physical health such as obesity, sedentary lifestyles and cardiovascular diseases. In view of this situation, it was proposed the application of an intervention based on the hybridisation of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model and Sport Education Model to analyse its effect on different physiological and psychological variables: personal and social responsibility, basic psychological needs, motivation and levels of activity and physical condition. This semi-experimental quantitative controlled research was carried out in a Secondary School in a municipality in the Region of Murcia, with a sample of 76 students (40 males and 36 females) in the second year of Secondary Education aged between 13 and 15 years (13.22±0.50). The intervention based on the hybridisation of both models was developed over 17 sessions, which were distributed in three teaching units, working on alternative sports: colpball, paddleball and ultimate frisbee. The results showed improvements in personal and social responsibility and basic psychological needs, while motivation and levels of activity and physical fitness did not show a positive effect of the intervention. It is concluded that both models have common characteristics that make them suitable models for hybridization, despite the scarcity of publications in the scientific literature that address the application of the Sport Education Model and Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model jointly