Indicadores fiscales para el análisis del consumo y de los niveles de vida.Sevilla, 1476-1513

  1. José Damián González Arce 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Archivo hispalense: Revista histórica, literaria y artística

ISSN: 0210-4067

Année de publication: 2023

Tomo: 106

Tomo: 321-323

Pages: 19-48

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Archivo hispalense: Revista histórica, literaria y artística


Through the retail leases of the alcabalas and the small rents of the almojarifazgo, as well as some municipal rents, preserved for the final decades of the XV century and the first decades of the XVI, the productive activity and the consumption of goods have been reconstructed from the city of Seville. In this work, the emphasis has been placed on the service sector (transport, energy, tailoring and clothing manufacturing...) and construction, whose yields have been analyzed in reference to others such as the primary sector (food growing, meat farming and sale of fish) and the secondary (textile industry, footwear, metals...). To reach the conclusion that the Sevillian economic activity grew during this period stimulated by a parallel demographic growth and the wealth of the inhabitants of the city and its rural environment.