PIC-Potenciando Ideas CreativasUna propuesta educativa para el desarrollo de la creatividad

  1. Chamorro-Troncos , Claudia 1
  2. Sainz-Gómez , Marta 1
  3. Bermejo-García , Rosario 1
  4. Ruiz-Melero , María 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia - España
593 Digital Publisher CEIT

ISSN: 2588-0705

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Multidisciplinary

Volume: 9

Issue: 2

Pages: 15-28

Type: Article

DOI: 10.33386/593DP.2024.2.2213 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: 593 Digital Publisher CEIT


Creativity has been considered for some years as a key capacity or construct that, in addition to contributing to the learning process during the school stage, evolves and transcends into the social context. In this sense, it is advisable to continue designing innovative and flexible teaching strategies or methodologies that adapt to the different conditions of the students, in which not only the teachers actively participate, as the main person responsible for regulating learning exchanges within the classroom, including the creative process, but also involving the family, taking into account that it is considered the first agent that accompanies the innate curiosity of the infant. Under this premise, the present educational proposal is proposed, whose main objective is to develop creativity from its components of originality, flexibility, fluency and elaboration in the students of the last cycle of Primary Education, all of this through playful and participatory activities; also, the use of techniques such as brainstorming, role playing, etc. is promoted. In this sense, the general result that is expected to be achieved is that students can improve their creative potential, which can be reflected through greater spontaneity and autonomy in the development of both their ideas and their products.

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