Esquema corporal:evaluación e intervención psicomotriz

  1. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez
  2. Josefina Lozano Martínez
Anales de pedagogía

ISSN: 0212-8322

Year of publication: 1992

Issue: 10

Pages: 221-239

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de pedagogía


This paper represents sorne research carried out with five to six year old children belonging to a low social-cultural enviroment. The aim of it has been to get to know the formation of the children 's body-scheme as well as to enrich it by Psychomotricity Education. In order to obtain this, a control and experimental group were selected; the level of representation of the body-scheme was analysed having the human figure drawing test as a main tool for it. Next a Psychomotricity treatment was applied. Finally the individuals were tested once again. This work is divided in three different parts: first of all justification why we ha ve chosen the human figure drawing test as a means of body-scheme evaluation; second, it explains the importance of Psychomotricity to improve the formation in the children's body-scheme; and third, it shows the empirical experience gained.

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