Lo sviluppo sociale, l’ecocidio naturale: uno sguardo ecofemminista alla società nel romanzo L’isola delle madri

  1. Reyes Ferrer, María 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03p3aeb86

Altre Modernità

ISSN: 2035-7680

Year of publication: 2024

Pages: 165-179

Type: Article

More publications in: Altre Modernità


: Ecofeminism, with its roots in intersectional analysis, highlights the connections between dominion over nature and the oppression of women. This analytical category integrates the principles of ecology and feminism, promoting a philosophy that rethinks the social model and positions the individual in relation to others and the natural environment. The eco-dystopian novel by Maria Rosa Cutrufelli, L’isola delle madri, casts an anticipatory light on the impacts on nature and society of a world founded on biocidal and ecocidal principles. It describes a society born from hegemonic politics and economies, focused on immediate gain, detached from life, the earth, and the body. This eco-dystopia, masterfully depicted by Cutrufelli, emerges as a scenario of dark consequences of a post-natural era. Through the lens of ecofeminism, the essay analyzes the central themes of the novel such as the destruction of biodiversity and infertility, the results of a misunderstood concept of development. The study extends beyond the literary text, examining the sociocultural context to explore how eco-dystopia, in addition to being a literary genre, becomes a sharp tool for social and environmental critique.

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