Claudio Naranjo y Tótila Albert: La educación de la escucha interior a través de la forma sonata y el viaje del héroe y su impacto en el desarrollo musical

  1. Carvalho Riveiro, Eduardo de
Dirixida por:
  1. Miren Pérez Eizaguirre Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 16 de outubro de 2023

  1. Gregorio Vicente Nicolás Presidente
  2. Ángela Morales Fernández Secretario/a
  3. Roberto Cremades Andreu Vogal

Tipo: Tese


This doctoral thesis investigates the musical hermeneutics of Claudio Naranjo (1932- 2019) as stated in his book “The Inner Music” (2018b). Naranjo claims that the Sonata Form has a deep relationship with the so-called "Hero´s Journey" in classical literature and myths and presents the Musical Dictations of Tótila Albert (1892-1967) as a proof of poetic meaning in instrumental music. Music is considered as a symbolic language that conveys meanings. These can be understood by preparing for careful listening through meditation and consideration on literary connections to music. Musical hermeneutics associated with meditation can facilitate the learning of theoretical and technical aspects in the sense of meaningful learning. A questionary was used to collect data on reading and meditation habits in a discipline with undergraduate students at the UFMG School of Music (Brazil), as well as in a control group. This research is based on the assumption that the development of meditative and reading habits can provide an increase in cognitive ability and improvements in the study of music. We also believe that the practice of meditation associated with listening to music as well as increasing the habit of reading can provide an improvement in motivation and in the development of musical studies. Some recommendations are made aimed at the development of meditation and the stimulation of reading within the framework of meaningful learning