Ejercicio de homogeneización y relleno de series diarias de temperatura máxima, mediante el uso de Climatol

  1. Elisa Mª Hernández García 1
  2. Juan A. García Valero 1
  3. Juan E. Palenzuela Cruz 1
  4. Fernando Belda Esplugues 1
  1. 1 Agencia Estatal de Meteorología

    Agencia Estatal de Meteorología

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04kxf1r09

Cambio climático. Extremos e impactos: [ponencias presentadas al VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología]
  1. Concepción Rodríguez Puebla (coord.)
  2. Antonio Ceballos Barbancho (coord.)
  3. Nube González Reviriego (coord.)
  4. Enrique Morán Tejeda (coord.)
  5. Ascensión Hernández Encinas (coord.)

Editorial: Asociación Española de Climatología

ISBN: 978-84-695-4331-3

Ano de publicación: 2012

Páxinas: 409-419

Congreso: Asociación Española de Climatología. Congreso (8. 2012. Salamanca)

Tipo: Achega congreso


In order to study the natural variability of climatological series of temperature and to analyse extremes, it is necessary obtaining long and homogeneous reference series. However, climatological records often contain inhomogeneities and missing data. Therefore, homogenization and missing data filling methods are required, most of them applied only to monthly data. In this study, the results of some homogenization and missing data filling tests, applied to 83 maximum temperature daily series, distributed over the Murcia Region, are shown. Tests were carried out with the statistical package Climatol (R software), which creates reference series from data of stations and also, it evaluates the homogeneity of anomaly series between each station and its reference, by means of the SNHT test. Results show the necessity of using higher statisticals values to reject the homogeneity than those suggested by other authors for monthly data.