Aspectos dinámicos de la composición y estructura de la comunidad de invertebrados acuáticos de la rambla del Moro después de una riada (Cuenca del rio Segura: SE de España)
- Ortega, M. 1
- Suárez, M.L. 1
- Vidal-Abarca, M.R. 1
- Ramírez-Díaz, L. 1
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 0213-8409, 1989-1806
Any de publicació: 1991
Volum: 7
Número: 1
Pàgines: 11-24
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Limnetica
The variation of composition and structure of invertebrate aquatic community was studied during the first ten days following the 10107186 flood in the Rambla del Moro. This situation is compared with data obtained during the 1982-83 hydrological cycle study developed previously in the same place. The flood reduce taxa richness only by a 31.4 % respect to 1982 autumn situation, therefore the alteration of the community is considered moderate. Invertebrates aquatic community structure reacts to the perturbation modifying the dominance values of the spe- cies and maintaining a sufficient numbers of taxa. Community resilience is high because the community structure recovers a month later. Finally, some aspects related with the use of ecological indexes describing the structure of communities subjected to periodical perturbations of the environment are discussed together with the adapta- tive mechanisms of the species to that perturbation regime.
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