Cooperative learning of requirements engineering through an international educational scenario enabled by the MOY programme

  1. Juan Manuel Carrillo de Gea 1
  2. Joaquín Nicolás 1
  3. José Luis Fernández Alemán 1
  4. Ambrosio Toval 1
  5. Sofia Ouhbi 2
  6. Ali Idri 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


  2. 2 Mohammed V University

    Mohammed V University

    Rabat, Marruecos


II Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente. CIID: Murcia, 20 y 21 de febrero de 2014

Editorial: Universidad de Murcia

ISBN: 978-84-695-9705-7

Año de publicación: 2014

Páginas: 1016-1025

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The International Excellence Campus for Higher Education and Research of theRegion of Murcia, and the Mediterranean Office for Youth (MOY) programme arenew initiatives that offer opportunities for designing educational activities in which cantake part international students enrolled in academic degrees at different universities.Besides, a significant rise in distributed and collaborative software development hasbeen observed in recent years (Global Software Development, GSD), which involvesspace, time and socio-cultural distances and requires new techniques, tools andpractices to meet new challenges and opportunities. In addition, poor requirementsare one of the most common causes of project failure in any domain. Projects whichdevote more resources to Requirements Engineering (RE) result in lower costs andlower deviations of their planning. Therefore, the relevance of education and training the future systems and software professionals in RE activities and techniques, inparticular in GSD environments, must be stressed. We have conducted aneducational innovation activity based on teaching RE in co-located and GSDcontexts. This activity has been carried out in the form of an experiment withstudents. This paper presents the scenario in which this educational activity is framedas well as some preliminary results of this experiment