Los indios pueblo de santa fe, nuevo méxico. Cultura viva de un colonialismo tardío

  1. José Turpín Saorín 1
  1. 1 Asociación Murciana de Antropología
Revista Nuevas Tendencias en Antropología

ISSN: 2173-0024

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 10

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Nuevas Tendencias en Antropología


The present text is part of a research work on the cosmovisions and uses of time in “Los Indios Pueblo” in the southwest of the USA. In this article present itself the plausible cultural reminiscence of pueblo indians (descendants of the original settlers of the area, Anasazi) show to be submitted by the Spanish colonists. It could be treated more as an example of a society that through harmonic and balanced customs, myths, rites, ultimately adaptability temporal-space where was constituting as population, that far from being conquered presented and presents an ancestral experience of cultural pragmatism and identity.

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