Competencias en educación para la sostenibilidad del futuro profesorado y la relación con sus percepciones y compromisos ante la generación masiva de residuos

  1. García Fortes, María Ángeles
Supervised by:
  1. Isabel Baños González Director
  2. Patricia Esteve Guirao Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 01 March 2024

Type: Thesis


The massive production of waste linked to overconsumption is currently one of the most important socio-ecological conflicts and a major barrier to achieving sustainability. In this context, education is considered a fundamental tool where teachers represent the key to raise awareness and involve citizens, from the recognition of the relationships between our daily activities and the generation of waste, and the promotion of sustainable consumption habits. However, future teachers (FTs) often feel insecure and express the need for further training on how to implement Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in their classrooms. The present research is aimed at studying the perceptions and commitments adopted by future secondary school teachers, specializing in Biology and Geology, in the face of the massive production of waste; both from a general level and from specific contexts. Specifically, within the context of the export of waste and the release of microplastics into the environment. It is also aimed at analyzing the didactic strategies that they recognize and propose as appropriate to address this problem in the classroom, establishing the possible relationships between these strategies and their perceptions and commitments. In addition, it seeks to explore the self-perception that the FTs have of their own level of EDS competencies development and the actual competency profile that they develop in such educational proposals. Methodologically, this is a non-experimental, descriptive and instrumental design research, with a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach. The results show that the FTs show difficulties in recognizing the different factors involved in the problem of massive waste generation and that they maintain a very ecological vision of its consequences. However, approaching the problem through more specific contexts seems to generate more complete visions. In terms of their commitments, most FTs assume their personal responsibility for the problem; however, although they accept the need to reduce their waste, they opt for low-effort options, such as recycling. Regarding didactic strategies, the majority of the FTs is capable of recognizing transformative educational approaches, but presents difficulties in their design. Only a minority is able to propose them with commitment-oriented approaches. Nevertheless, it seems that, in close contexts where the FTs show major level of systems thinking, they design proposals aimed at promoting critical thinking and reflection. Moreover, committed FTs tend significantly towards action-oriented approaches. On the other hand, the FTs recognize and show difficulties in assessing learning outcomes, focusing on the cognitive component rather than the affective one. Likewise, their best perception and competence profile is achieved in the approach of contextualized situations in the students' lives. While, although they perceive themeselves as very competent, when considering different dimensions and perspectives of problems, their competency profile is low. This study shows the potential of using a rubric, replicable in future research, to assess the ESD competencies of FTs. This allows an adequate approximation of the sustainability competencies to be promoted in their classrooms. In addition, it contributes to the discussion on the importance of promoting personal responsibility in teacher education in relation to sustainability and its teaching in schools. Assuming personal responsibility is key insofar as it is related both to a greater willingness to adopt sustainable behaviors and to transformative educational approaches.