Ensayos sobre la relación entre el desarrollo turístico y el crecimiento económico

  1. Segarra Salgueiro, Verónica
Supervised by:
  1. Isabel Pilar Albaladejo Pina Director
  2. Juan Gabriel Brida Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 01 February 2024

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


This work seeks to contribute to the generation of knowledge about the literature that studies the relationship between tourism development and economic growth. To this end, a review of the literature that addresses the analysis of the relationship between economic growth, tourism development and CO2 emissions is carried out. In addition, some empirical analyses are carried out to study the relationship between tourism development and economic growth. To do this, symbolic time series analysis tools, network tools, and causality tests are used. From the review of the literature, some conclusions can be drawn, and some shortcomings of this scientific literature can be detected. This makes it possible to identify some issues on which further progress would be important. Some of the shortcomings that we have detected are addressed in the analysis, proposing advances and possible solutions in this regard. The analysis shows that the relationship between the development of the tourism sector and economic growth depends on the characteristics of the destinations, so representing the behavior of a large group of countries through a single model does not seem to be the most appropriate strategy. In particular, it is observed that tourism has a positive impact on the economic growth of countries with certain characteristics. Based on this empirical analysis, we found several lines to continue with the research.