La influencia de Perspectiva Pictorum et Architectorum en la retablística murciana del siglo XVIII

  1. María Victoria Zaragoza Vidal
El Barroco: Universo de Experiencias
  1. María del Amor Rodríguez Miranda (coord.)
  2. José Antonio Peinado Guzmán (coord.)

Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Córdoba ; Asociación Hurtado Izquierdo

ISBN: 978-84-617-8397-7

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 703-724

Type: Book chapter


The Murcia´s baroque altarpieces have a great artistic interest in the manifestations of our region. In turn, the artistic literature and its impact on art is essential, since thus allows to present the training forms and sources of inspiration for artists, and schemes to imitate, these, allowing us to approach these characters. This study aims to present the influence of blades Perspective Pictorum et Architectorum in Murcia altarpieces, and particularly in the works of Nicholas de Rueda and Jose Ganga, since the treaty of Pozzo presents various altarpieces that were taken as a model both in painting and architecture, being used by many artists internationally.