Activismo y narrativas gamificadasestudio comparativo de entornos ciberdemocráticos de empoderamiento ciudadano

  1. Pérez-Escolar, Marta 1
  2. Navazo Ostúa, Pablo 1
  1. 1 Universidad Loyola Andalucía

    Universidad Loyola Andalucía

    Sevilla, España


CIC: Cuadernos de información y comunicación

ISSN: 1135-7991 1988-4001

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Digitalización de la comunicación, democracia y ciudadanía

Issue: 24

Pages: 31-46

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/CIYC.64842 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: CIC: Cuadernos de información y comunicación

Sustainable development goals


The main objective of this study is focused on understanding whether gamification narratives can represent a useful tool for citizen empowerment with which to motivate individual participation in cyber-democratic environments. Regarding this purpose, a representative group of two gamification products with an activist undertone have been selected: the interactive documentary “Fort McMoney” and the serous game “A Force More Powerful”. Then, this research has applied a qualitative methodology that combines the Octalysis model (Chou, 2015) and the Ladder of participation paradigm (Arnstein, 1969). The results show that gamification narratives are a tool for citizen empowerment and favour cyber-activist actions. However, these projects can lead into a pseudo-activism for lazy people as well.

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