La incidencia del Debate Paz-Justicia en los retos que afronta la Corte Penal Internacional

  1. Soto Cremades, Melanie 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Revista de Paz y Conflictos

ISSN: 1988-7221

Any de publicació: 2018

Volum: 11

Número: 2

Pàgines: 237-253

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.30827/REVPAZ.V11I2.8472 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Altres publicacions en: Revista de Paz y Conflictos

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The International Criminal Court is at a turning point, facing various challenges which call into question its effectiveness, legitimacy and survival. The problem derived from the Al-Bashir case is presented as a conceptual disagreement in essence and juridical-political conflict in appearance. Therefore, this research analyses the background to understand the set of elements taking part in this conflict and the African Union criticism over the extension of the Rome Statute provisions to States not parties. The case study inferred the incidence of the Peace-Justice Debate formulas in the current practice of the international criminal justice system, since they seem to form the basis of the legal-political discrepancy between the African Union and the Court, conditioning not only the arrest of President Al-Bashir, but the effectiveness of the entire system of cooperation. Finally, the conclusions of the work show the range of challenges facing the Court, adding to the root causes of the confrontation between the two institutions a conceptual discrepancy whose understanding is key to the transformation of the conflict and the consequent reinvention and / or survival of the Criminal Court International.

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