Revisión de los cuestionarios utilizados para la detección del consumo de alcohol durante el embarazo y la Hoja Verde

  1. María Luisa Azurmendi-Funes 1
  2. Miguel Felipe Sánchez-Sauco 1
  3. Ferran Campillo i López 2
  4. Estefanía Aguilar-Ros 1
  5. Francisco Díaz-Martínez 1
  6. Francisco Pascual-Pastor 3
  7. Juan Antonio Ortega-García 1
  1. 1 Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, España
  2. 2 Fundació Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa, Olot, Gerona, Cataluña, España.
  3. 3 Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el alcoholismo y las otras toxicomanías

    Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el alcoholismo y las otras toxicomanías

    Barcelona, España

Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol

ISSN: 0214-4840

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 35

Issue: 4

Pages: 493-502

Type: Article

More publications in: Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol


Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a leading cause of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Maternal reporting in childbearing women or pregnant women is the standard for the early detection of alcohol consumption. The Green Page (GP) is a screening questionnaire of environmental health which includes the alcohol intake record during pregnancy and/or lactation period. The aim of this paper is to review the features of the different questionnaires for the detection of alcohol consumption during the gestation period and the GP, as well as to make a comparison between them. Review of the scientific literature published over the last 10 years of indexed articles in Medline. Combined searching strategy with MeSH descriptors: ‘pregnancy, alcohol drinking, surveys and/or questionnaires. AUDIT, AUDIT-C and SURP-P are mainly self- administered and do not require training. SURP-P and 4P´s are validated in pregnant women. Others detect quantity and frequency of exposure, need specific training and are administered face to face: TLFB, RD, ACOG antepartum record and the GP. ACOG antepartum record and GP are specific for pregnant population. GP detects alcohol consumption at the beginning of pregnancy in both women and their partner on a holistic and global environmental health approach. A careful face-to-face recording of alcohol exposure with trained staff, with an integrative and global environmental health focus throughout pregnancy, may help improve prevention and screening of pregnancy at risk for FASD.

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