Evaluación del 1º año de tratamiento bucodental a discapacitados psíquicos en la Unidad de Salud Bucodental de Albacete

  1. Ursula Sáez Cuesta 1
  2. Antonia Molina Escribano 1
  3. Isabel Castejón Navas 1
  4. Manuel Roncero Goig 1
  1. 1 Unidad de Salud Bucodental de Discapacitados de Albacete. Centro de Salud Zona VI
Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

ISSN: 2386-8201

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 68-71

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia


Objective.To describe the characteristics of the Dental Health Programme for mentally handicapped of the SESCAM and to present the results after one year. Design.Descriptive observational study. Setting. Primary Care clinics. Participants.A total of 273 patients from different Dental Care Clinics in the Autonomous Community of Castille-La Mancha were studied. Main Measurements. Place of treatment (clinic or surgery), sociodemographic data (gender, age, origin and cohabitation), background diagnosis, associated illnesses and ability to communicate, medication taken, type of diet, odontological data (presence or not of tartar, gingivitis, periodontitis or others), dental treatment carried out and incidence of complications. Results. Some patients (145) were treated in the clinic and the rest (125) underwent surgical intervention in the operating theatre under general anaesthetics. A total of 72.5% had tartar, 49.8% gingivitis, 9.2% mild periodontitis, 5.1% moderate periodontitis and 4.8% severe periodontitis. The most common habit, present in 49.5% was oral respiration, followed by bruxism in 5.5%,finger or thumb sucking in 1.8% and lingual interposition in 0.7%. A total of 670 permanent fi fillings, 41 fillings of milk teeth, 181 sealants, 13 endodontias, 432 exodontias, 4 phrenectomies and 16 gingivectomies. Conclusions. After one year of work with the USBD-handicapped, the results obtained confirm the feasibility of the project, which implies an important increase in healthcare benefits for dental fi health in a population group that both required and demanded it. On te other hand, this is also a good example of collaboration between Primary Care and Specialist Healthcare, which is essential for the programme to develop successfully.

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