Del texto narrativo a la imagen visualfactores del proceso metodológico en una acción educativa

  1. Ramón-Verdú, Alfredo José 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Educación artística: revista de investigación (EARI)

ISSN: 1695-8403 2254-7592

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 14

Pages: 138-151

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7203/EARI.14.26389 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Educación artística: revista de investigación (EARI)


This article presents the methodological framework of an educational action carried out with university students at the University of Murcia, giving priority to the creative process and decision-making within the text-image dichotomy. The starting point is established in the randomness and randomness, then configuring a whole methodological corpus of educational intervention in order to transfer a story that has previously been created in writing, to the visual and pictorial, each with a series of particular linguistic codes and interpretation also very different. The main objective was that the students, immersed in learning the components of visual and plastic language, exercise their cognitive potential during the artistic transformation of the text into the image, resolving a message through different codes but unified in the same idea, thus executing a complete creative process. In this context, the research focused on identifying and enhancing the factors that intervened in each of the phases of elaboration of the task. The results obtained are positioned within the expected, with high doses of motivation and involvement when organizing and discriminating the relevant information, executing the necessary synthesis for the creation of a pictorial work as a film poster.

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