El futuro de la política monetaria en un contexto inflacionista
- Álvaro ANCHUELO 1
- María A. PRATS 2
Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 0210-9107
Ano de publicación: 2023
Título do exemplar: La Europa del futuro
Número: 177
Páxinas: 49-64
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Papeles de economía española
This paper analyses first the recent dynamics of inflation in the euro area, in order to understand its origins (linked to the overlapping of a double supply shock caused by the pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine) and expected evolution. The ECB’s response is then studied, sharply raising the key interest rates, and slowly beginning to reverse quantitative easing, while trying to avoid a recession and an increase in sovereign risk premia. Lastly, the risk of contagion that the American banking problems may entail is addressed, showing the greater stability of the European banking system and its causes.
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