Percepción docente respecto al uso de Classdojo con familias

  1. Álvarez Muñoz, José Santiago 1
  2. Hernández Prados, Mª Ángeles 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa

ISSN: 2529-9638

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 15

Pages: 137-156

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6018/RIITE.556691 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

More publications in: Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa


The growing digital globalisation is being extended to various fields of knowledge, including the field of education, delving deeper into its different disciplines of action. Digital practices are also being applied in tutorial action from the family-school relationship, increasing the use of applications and digital media to promote communication and participation between both educational contexts. With the main purpose of finding out the teachers' perception of the use of the Classdojo application in the work with families, 108 teachers working in schools in the Region of Murcia completed an ad hoc questionnaire created after a validation process. The results show the ease of creating a profile and downloading the application, communication through the messaging service and the points system for monitoring behaviour as the most frequent uses by teachers and families and their identification as a support for school tasks. However, it also shows a lack of parental co-responsibility in their use, together with a low level of child participation. It is also worth highlighting the significant correlation between teachers' perception of the benefits of the application and the way they use it, as well as the accessibility and design of the application. In this way, the findings obtained delimit the need to establish articulated processes for the integration of this type of applications in educational centres, such as: prior training of teachers, establishment of protocols for action and consensus regarding the form of implementation in the classroom and, especially, with families.

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