Educación inclusiva en el Centro Educativo Padre Lamarche de la República Dominicanaestudio de caso

  1. Farías Joaquín de Peña, Bellanira Magdalena
Supervised by:
  1. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez Director
  2. Salvador Alcaraz García Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 04 December 2023

  1. Luis Ortiz Jiménez Chair
  2. Carmen María Caballero García Secretary
  3. Juan José Leiva Olivencia Committee member
  1. Didactics and School Organization

Type: Thesis


This research focuses on the field of educational inclusion and its main objective is to identify and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of existing educational practices, as well as the curricular adaptations necessary to ensure the participation and learning of all. the students. The General Objective of this study is to analyze the educational response in the environment of the Padre Lamarche educational center, located in the Dominican Republic, from the perspective of different key actors, such as teachers, families, students and the management team. This general objective will be developed through the following specific objectives: Determine the knowledge that teachers and the management team have about the regulations that support inclusive education in the Dominican Republic, know the work carried out by the center's management team in favor of inclusive education, describe the strategies of teaching-learning used by teachers to include students in their learning process, identify the evaluation strategies used by teachers to see the progress of students with and without educational support needs in the classroom, know the opinion of the parents regarding the inclusion of their children in school and listening to the voices of students with and without educational support needs regarding their reception and inclusion in the center. The methodology used in this research is characterized by being non-experimental and descriptive in nature, using surveys as a data collection instrument. The sample of participants included 37 teachers, 259 students, 133 families and 8 members of the management team. To obtain the necessary information, two questionnaires designed specifically for each of the participants in the educational process were administered. The results obtained were subjected to a descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis through the use of the SPSS program in version 20. The results show that not all actors know the purpose and application of inclusive education, the management team is committed to overcoming obstacles to providing an inclusive and high-quality education, admitting all students regardless of their conditions, teachers analyze students' prior knowledge to understand their strengths and weaknesses, which contributes to the development of their skills. In addition, the individual needs of each student are taken into account when planning their classes. These findings highlight the need to improve efforts in the promotion and implementation of inclusive education in the country, providing specific recommendations to address these deficiencies