Desarrollo y pruebas psicométricas de una escala estandarizada de autoinforme para evaluar el método acuático comprensivo en educadores acuáticos

  1. Irene Castañón-Rubio 1
  2. Luciane de Paula Borges 2
  3. Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia 3
  1. 1 Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional San Antonio (España).
  2. 2 Centro de Enseñanza Samaniego. (España)
  3. 3 Universidad Miguel Hernández (España)
Revista de investigación en actividades acuáticas

ISSN: 2530-805X

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 6

Issue: 12

Pages: 68-76

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de investigación en actividades acuáticas


Background: The comprehensive aquatic method is presented as a way of teaching in the aquatic environment that optimises student learning. Although its measurement may be essential, standardised self-reports are not yet available. Goals: This study aims to describe the development and the psychometric evaluation of the Comprehensive Aquatic Method Measurement Scale (CAMMS), a new standardised self-report to measure teaching methodology in the aquatic environment. The construction of the scale was based on previous relevant research and the participation of researchers and practitioners, experts in aquatic education. Method: A total of 3, 9, 53, 194, 374 and 26 aquatic educators participated in the validation. Results: Through the Delphi method, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a three-factor structure of the EMMAC, consisting of 26 items measuring a way of teaching that approximates the Comprehensive Aquatic Method. Internal consistency (Ω ranging from .73 to .83), adequate test-retest reliability and evidence of convergent validity. Conclusions: This study provides initial support for the use of the EMMAC by aquatic educators, suggesting that it is a promising tool for a quick and easy-to-administer measure to identify whether the teaching approach used by the educator approximates the Comprehensive Aquatic Method.

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