La situación actual de la educación física según su profesoradoun estudio cualitativo con profesores de la Región de Murcia

  1. Apolonia Albarracín Pérez 1
  2. Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia 2
  3. Vicente Javier Beltrán Carrillo 2
  1. 1 IES Europa. Águilas. Murcia. España
  2. 2 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. España
Cultura, ciencia y deporte

ISSN: 1696-5043

Any de publicació: 2014

Volum: 9

Número: 27

Pàgines: 225-234

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.12800/CCD.V9I27.469 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Altres publicacions en: Cultura, ciencia y deporte


The objective of this study was to analyse the current status of physical education according to physical education teachers. The research data came from semi-structuredinterviews conducted with 29 physical education teachers belonging to secondary schools from the Region of Murcia (Spain). The resultsof this study highlight that physical education teachers declare their vocation for their profession and believe in the indispensable role that physical educationplays in the school curriculum, although they stress its contributions to health over other aspects that are more related to students’ education. Manyteachers think physical education is still consideredan ‘easy subject’, even though some of themrecognise the status of the subject has improved in last years. The teachers think their good professionalpractice is the main way to increase the status of physical education. The majorityof the participants believe that physical education needs a greater hourly load, something which contrasts with the fact that some teacherscontinually teach the same contents. The information of this article may be of interest for theidentification of strategies to improve the status of physical education.

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