El discurso audiovisual cinematográfico generado en torno a la sierra minera de Cartagena-La Unión

  1. OnésimO SamuEL HERnánDEz GómEz
Congreso Sierra Minera: Cartagena-La Unión, 2023
  1. Ricardo Montes (coord.)
  2. Antonio J. Zapata (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Cultural Qutiyyyas ; Asociación LAEC. La Ecocultural. Los Alcázares ; Ayuntamiento de La Unión

ISBN: 978-84-126774-7-8

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 329-352

Congress: Congreso Sierra Minera (1. 2023. null)

Type: Conference paper


This research explores the audiovisual discourse generated from various film materials related to the Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión. An in-depth analysis is made of the importance of audiovisual discourse in the shaping of the image of a territory that encompasses documentary, fiction and news films, revea- ling how these different cinematographic forms contribute to the representation of the Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión. In addition, an exhaustive list is made of the different types of cinematographic material related to the Sierra Minera. This 3302 0 3 1 0 9 C E 0 - D 0 R E O fi E , i s i b catalogue covers a wide range of productions, from documentaries that capture the historical and geographical reality, through fiction films that use the landscape as a narrative element, to informative films that transmit the cultural identity of the place. As part of an innovative proposal, the chapter presents the idea of film routes as a strategy to enhance both the materials and the territory. These routes not only highlight the specific locations where productions were filmed, but also offer an experience in which the viewer can actively explore the intersection bet- ween geographical reality and its cinematic representation. This approach not only preserves film heritage, but also fosters a deeper and more participatory unders- tanding of the territory.