Intervención de urgencia en la zona de servicio de época romana del balneario de Archena

  1. Fernández Guirao, Francisco José
  2. Matilla Seiquer, Gonzalo
  3. Monteagudo Merlos, Josefna
XXIX Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia: 3, 10, 17 y 24 de octubre de 2023
  1. Pedro Enrique Collado Espejo (dir. congr.)
  2. Juan García Sandoval (dir. congr.)
  3. Ángel Iniesta Sanmartín (dir. congr.)

Editorial: Tres Fronteras

ISBN: 978-84-7564-814-9

Año de publicación: 2023

Páginas: 143-148

Congreso: Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia (29. 2023. Murcia)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


Te archaeological remains in the open air in the Archena spa can be divided into three diferent sets: A servicearea from Roman times with a guest house, a fresh water well and a rosary wheel from Islamic times. Afer thearchaeological works of 2008, a consolidation intervention was projected. Te execution was paralyzed due tothe economic crisis of 2008. On the other hand, the efects of the torrential rains produced in September 2019,seriously afected the entire archaeological site. Te space most afected was the Roman service area. Te purposeof this article is to describe the emergency intervention carried out in November 2021 and February 2022. Terestoration could be carried out thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture and with the support of the Archena Spa.