Riesgo de exclusión social y respuesta institucional en la Región de Murcia. I Informe 2022-2023Oportunidades para mejorar las políticas sociales de inclusión social

  1. Manuel Hernández Pedreño dir.
  2. Úrsula Faura Martínez
  3. Olga García Luque
  4. Rosa María García Navarro
  5. Ramón Luna Cano
  6. Marian Pérez Campoy

Publisher: Observatorio de la Exclusión Social ; Universidad de Murcia ; Colegio Oficial de Trabajo Social Región de Murcia

ISBN: 978-84-09-54647-3

Year of publication: 2023

Type: Book


This work makes an approach to the processes of social exclusion in the Region of Murcia from different perspectives and methodologies. Social risks are analyzed from different sources: based on data from the Living Conditions Survey (AROPE rate and other indicators) and based on the opinion of social intervention professionals, collected by means of a survey (Survey OES- COTSM), and from a round table. The regional institutional response to these social risks is also analyzed from various approaches: from the analysis of social spending in its three components (Education, Health and Social Promotion); through the documentary commitment in social fields, reflected in regulations, plans or aid; and based on the opinion of social intervention professionals through the OES-COTSM Opinion survey and a round table. The results of this multi-method analysis reveal the chronicity of social exclusion in the Region, highlighting the problems in the laboral, residential and educational spheres.