Prevalencia y etiología de los traumatismos dentales. Una revisión
- García Ballesta, C.
- Pérez Lajarín, L.
- Castejón Navas, I.
ISSN: 1138-123X
Argitalpen urtea: 2003
Zenbakien izenburua: Traumatismos dentales
Alea: 8
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 131-141
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: RCOE: Revista del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España
Dental trauma are acquiring increased importance in the dental profession in the western world. The aim of the present study was to offer a bibliographic review of the prevalence and etiology of dental trauma from 1995 to the present time. Method: An analysis of the studies published in medical literature has been made, using the Medline searching device. Results and conclusion: The prevalence is seen to be high, and the predominant underlying causes involve sports activities, emotional states and assault.