Antonio Machado entre la filosofía y la poesíaun recorrido por su pensamiento filosófico

  1. Martínez Martínez, Félix
Supervised by:
  1. Jorge Novella Suárez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 26 September 2023

  1. Vicente Sanfélix Chair
  2. Salvador Rubio Marco Secretary
  3. José Martínez Hernández Committee member

Type: Thesis


The figure of the distinguished poet Antonio Machado seems to grow larger as the years go by. Another poet, Ángel González, said of the Sevillian that he was the most important Spanish poet of the 20th century. And it is on the figure of this illustrious Spaniard that the proposal of this thesis revolves: to broaden the academic horizons that have been poured over him. Antonio Machado is considered worldwide as one of the best poets of the 20th century, a status that the nature of this thesis does not call into question. And it does not do so because this thesis does not deal with Machado's poetry per se, nor is it even a markedly aesthetic thesis. The thesis, its content, is centred on the philosophy contained in this author. This philosophy can be extracted from both his poetry and his prose works. Therefore, in some passages we will see, in a more special way, the relationship that will be maintained between his poetry and his philosophy will be very intimate. Although the relationship can be considered as more interesting because of the way in which philosophy will be revealed to us, since in a traditional way philosophy appears in a more prose-like manner. Dealing in depth with the figure of Antonio Machado from this new perspective is a challenge, since the bibliography that deals with Antonio Machado as a thinker is relatively scarce. But this does not imply that the bibliography we do find is not excellent and fruitful. If we were to list some of these authors, we would find authors of the stature of P. Cerezo, Sánchez Barbudo and others: P. Cerezo, Sánchez Barbudo, P. Cobos or José Hernández, among others. They have contributed some very relevant research into this Machadian facet, although in my opinion they have not managed to penetrate all the philosophical arcane that this author contains. This is not because of the validity of the writings, but because of the dimensions of the works, since the fecundity of Antonio Machado is so immense that, in general, these studies are, in one way or another, biased. The establishment of a theoretical framework is always of particular importance. One of those presented in this thesis revolves around Spanish thought itself, that is to say, it is an attempt to achieve the vindication of thinking in Spanish, and there is still much to be contributed and researched in this area. It should be pointed out that the philosophy in which Machado moves is far removed from traditional reason, that philosophy of a logical deductive nature which has its beginnings in Parmenides, but moves, with great ease in my opinion, on poetic reason. This being a reason that allows us to leave the strict margins of universal objectivation to remain in a subjective sphere, where both thoughts and deductions have openings. It would be another way of being able to apprehend indescribable or metaphysical realities that arise both in thinking and in the intimate human feeling.