Principios de estética holofractaluna propuesta pictórica personal
- Troyán - Juan José López Ruiz, Alejandro
- Antonio García López Director
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 25 de de setembre de 2023
- Ilídio Oscar Pereira De Sousa Salteiro President/a
- Victoria Santiago Godos Secretària
- Jaume Chornet Roig Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
The main objective is to move towards a new vision of knowledge that allows integrating and connecting different disciplines in a more systemic way. This purpose is achieved by organizing information following a fractal and holographic pattern, that is, formed by dual categories that resemble the whole at different levels of complexity. The methodology is based on the principles of duality, inclusion, exclusion and harmony. The categories and subcategories seek to oppose and complement each other at the same time, generating tensions that are resolved through analogies, proportions and harmonic relationships. This contributes to establishing multidimensional connections between notions that are usually considered separate. The content encompasses theories such as complex systems, fractal theory and holographic theory, and is applied to different disciplinary levels to establish analogies between them. The aim is to achieve a more holistic view and a better understanding of the role of duality, unity and interconnectedness. The original contributions are given by the very proposal to organize knowledge following a holofractal pattern. This means moving towards more organic and dynamic ways of classifying information, where analogy, proportion and the interrelationship between parts and totality take precedence. In this way, rigid taxonomies are transcended and creativity and transdisciplinarity are stimulated. In conclusion, a new perspective is offered that recognizes the importance of balancing dual principles and achieving systemic integration as ways to address the growing complexity of knowledge and the challenges of our time