Argumentación multimodal con la literatura oral patrimonialinvestigación-acción para la formación en Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria
- Pérez Alcaraz, Patricia
- María Teresa Caro Valverde Zuzendaria
Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 2023(e)ko iraila-(a)k 18
- Antonio Mendoza Fillola Presidentea
- María Isabel de Vicente Yagüe Jara Idazkaria
- José Manuel de Amo Sánchez Fortún Kidea
Mota: Tesia
This PhD by compendium of publications provides pioneering educational research with the objective of developing the multimodal argumentative capacity of the students of the Degree in Early Childhood Education and the Degree in Primary Education from a model action-research plan with a deep learning approach to learn to be trainers in children's argumentative competence with texts from patrimonial oral literature and its digital transmodalization. In coherence, globally, such research has been framed in a socio-critical interpretive methodological paradigm based on the research-action method in the classroom that promotes tasks and projects for social change from shared leadership, and its focus has been deep learning. which provides process unity to the summarized research to improve initial university training in emancipatory teaching skills, according to the didactic model of Multimodal Argumentation with Heritage Literature in Childhood (acronym: ALPI) proposed and tested in this PhD. Thus, the first publication, which is entitled "Theoretical bases for the training of Spanish teachers in multimodal argumentative literacy through dialogic gatherings with patrimonial oral literature", is a pure or fundamental research, and a documentary that provides the theoretical-epistemic framework of the same. The second publication, entitled "Analysis of the perception of university students about habits in argumentative comments on texts", with a descriptive and quantitative methodology, has allowed an initial diagnosis to be established on the implicit theories of the participating university students on the topic investigated, which has revealed significant training gaps in this regard. The third publication is "Student co-evaluation of metacognitive and argumentative comments on texts: analysis of a formative process with digital resources", and demonstrates, through a microethnographic analysis, the viability of argued co-evaluation as an essential part of teacher and student self-regulated learning. with formal and informal digital instruments, as well as the difficulty in formulating original hypotheses and intertexts appropriate to the meta-argumentation. The fourth publication, identified with the title "From the university argumentative commentary on heritage tales to its multimodal didactic projection on social networks", shows the didactic intervention carried out according to the ALPI model, through an innovative educational project with digital dissemination on social networks for empowerment. and participation, whose results reveal the effectiveness of the model to comment on heritage tales of education in values and to design innovative multimodal literary education projects. Finally, the deep learning process culminates with the transfer of the ALPI model to the school world, research that is included in the fifth publication, whose title is "Children's dialogical argumentation on oral tradition literature for the resolution of school conflicts with digital resources TEP ”, where the critical reception, the hypertext creation and its analysis with logical and semantic maps have made it possible to elucidate new educational paths of focal interargumentation for the sustainable development of peace in childhood. In short, the research-action processed with cooperative dialogical reflections in the ALPI school intervention model experienced in the initial training of trainers and transferred to the Early Childhood Education classrooms concludes by affirming the achievement of the objectives proposed to sustain as Thesis the hypothesis formulated for contribute to the solution of the revealed educational problem (deficit teacher knowledge in multimodal argumentation and heritage oral literature and the lack of didactic training and educational resources in this regard), since the ALPI model has proven to be effective for deep professional learning of the capacity argumentation of the students and their literary education in the oral heritage with technologies for empowerment and participation.