El creativo invisible: inteligencia artificial y creación publicitaria

  1. Antonio Raúl Fernández Rincón
Miguel Hernández Communication Journal

ISSN: 1989-8681

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 14

Seiten: 391-408

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Miguel Hernández Communication Journal


The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the advertising industry is expe-riencing significant growth. While the use of large volumes of data has already been applied in advertising for research and purchasing of advertising space, the cu-rrent challenge is related to the possibility of incorporating AI into the creative and production phases of advertising. The objective of this study is to advance the unders-tanding or state of the art of this phenomenon and to provide descriptive examples of applications that could define the vectors of action in the future for the combination of AI and Advertising Creativity. The findings of this study indicate that, on the one hand, there is a scarcity of scientific studies addressing the phenomenon and, on the other hand, the application of AI to the ideation phase of advertising appears to be limited to providing creative assistance rather than developing independent work without human intervention. Ultimately, we can conclude that the application of AI in advertising creativity is still limited to anecdotal cases

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