Desarrollo profesional colegiado a partir de proyectos de innovación docenteuna trayectoria compartida

  1. Porto Currás, Mónica 1
  2. García Hernández, María Luisa 1
  3. Bolarín Martínez, María José 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Cuaderno de Pedagogía Universitaria

ISSN: 1814-4152 1814-4144

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Cuaderno de Pedagogía Universitaria

Volume: 21

Issue: 42

Pages: 28-37

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuaderno de Pedagogía Universitaria


This paper presents some results obtained through the innovation projects carried out during the last seven years in the Teaching Innovation Group (EIE-GID) of the University of Murcia, with the aim of analyzing the evaluations of the teachers participating in the experiences from the perspective of their contribution to the teaching skills expected of a university professor, as well as their contributions to the collegial professional development of the members of the EIE-GID. The results found show that, although the projects described are centred on active methodologies and the assessment of teaching competences, progress in professional teaching competences has been observed in their implementation and evaluation. In this scenario, teaching professional development has ceased to be an individual activity and has become a collective activity, the result of group, coordinated, collegiate and reflective work.

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