La incidencia del alcohol y otras drogas en la seguridad vialun estudio criminológico en la ciudad de Santander durante el año 2020

  1. Marcos Ortiz, Ivan
  1. Josefa Muñoz Ruiz Zuzendaria
  2. Eduardo Javier Osuna Carrillo-Albornoz Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2023(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 18

  1. Francisco López Presidentea
  2. Samuel Rodríguez Ferrández Idazkaria
  3. Fátima Pérez Ferrer Kidea
  1. Historia Jurídica y de Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas

Mota: Tesia


This doctoral thesis addresses the issue of psychoactive substances in the context of road safety. The inherent complexity of the subject requires an interdisciplinary approach that involves various disciplines in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding. To achieve this goal, the study is presented in two distinct parts. The first part consists of a theoretical framework that examines general aspects of psychoactive substance use, their toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in the human body, their influence on driving, together with the legal relevance of these substances in road safety. The second part involves the presentation of an empirical study conducted in the city of Santander during the year 2020. Santander is a location where its population doubles during the summer season, leading to an increase in travel, particularly in and out of the city. Given the lack of precise information, the objective of this criminological study is to shed light on some of the main issues related to the current road situation regarding psychoactive substances, considering the specific characteristics of the city of Santander. This aims to enhance understanding of the magnitude of the problem and its scope (distribution, most frequent drug types, identification of patterns and sociodemographic profiles of offending drivers, etc.). In conclusion, the obtained results will be examined, allowing for a more detailed evaluation of the limitations observed during the study, together with the review and implementation of various improvements derived from it.